Student Wellbeing
St John Vianney's Mulgrave
Student Wellbeing is critical and it is the focus of all staff in our school.
At St. John Vianney's we aim to:
Develop quality relationships within the community.
Create a safe and inclusive learning and teaching environment.
Develop sustainable community links and partnerships which will benefit all members of the community.
Develop social and emotional learning skills.
Engage students in effective wellbeing practices which focus on prevention and early intervention
Student Wellbeing Leader
Whilst Student Wellbeing is critical and the focus of all teachers and school the school has a designated Student Wellbeing Leader. The role of the Student wellbeing Leader is essentially to support students and staff in Student Wellbeing issues and to ensure the successful implementation of Wellbeing programs and events.

Positive Behaviour for Learning
Our Positive Behaviour Code

If students do not follow the behaviour code we talk about the issue and work out the best way forward which may include consequences. Depending on the situation we implement a Restorative Practices approach.
Restorative Practices are focussed on helping young people become aware of the impact of their behaviour on others through personal accountability and learning from a conflict situation. An important component of restorative practices is the focus on restoring relationships after harm has been done.

Student Wellbeing Programs
Programs to support Student Wellbeing
Buddy Program
All students at St John Vianney’s are part of the buddy program. Older students are buddied up with younger students to help build connection and offer support. Our older students love the responsibility of looking after younger students and our junior school students’ look up to their older buddy.
From time to time the buddies engage in various learning activities. The Senior students take
and sit with their buddy at the Friday Mass in Term 2 & 3.
Student Leadership
Student leadership provides an opportunity for students to actively participate in the decision-making processes at our school. At St. John Vianney’s Year 6 students are encouraged to take on leadership roles in an endeavour to increase their own leadership skills and to act as effective role models for the student body. The students are able to apply for these roles and are voted into Leadership Roles by their peers and endorsed by staff. Our school believes that by encouraging student leadership we are developing our community leaders of the future.
SRC - Student Representative Council
St John Vianney's has introduced an SRC (Student Representative Council) which is a group of students elected by their fellow students to represent all students in the school. The SRC works democratically to represent the student body in school decision-making and organise ways for students to participate in school life. Foci for the SRC could include but not limited to positive playground behaviour, support with events and raising awareness of facets of school life.
RRRR - Rights, Resilience and Respectful Relationships
St John Vianney's Rights, Resilience and Respectful Relationships program is the basis of our Classroom Wellbeing Curriculum. It is designed to develop students’ social, emotional and positive relationship skills. The program covers areas such as Emotional Literacy, Personal Strengths, Positive Coping and Problem Solving. Through explicit teaching of these skills, students develop their personal and social capabilities.
The Resilience Project
We use a whole school approach to wellbeing.The school is part of the Resilience Project which is a wellbeing program that teaches and supports positive mental health in the classroom, staffroom and wider community. Our program is emotionally engaging, practical, proven to have impact through evidence based evaluations, and is delivered in 800+ schools. The program focuses on: Gratitude, Empathy, mindfulness and Emotional Literacy.Teachers equip students with strategies to support their personal wellbeing and those around them.
We believe that all students have the right to feel safe and be safe in the school environment. St. John Vianney’s is a no bullying school with a zero tolerance to all types of bullying. All members of the school community are committed to ensuring a safe and caring environment, which promotes personal growth and positive self-esteem for all.
Bullying is an act of aggression causing embarrassment, pain or discomfort to another. It is based on threat and fear and is a clear form of harassment. Bullying is described as “repeated attack, physical, psychological, social or verbal in nature, by those in a position of power, which is formally or situationally defined, with the intention of causing distress for their own gain or satisfaction.” (School Principal’s Legal Guide).
Cybersafety - eSmart
St. John Vianney’s is a eSmart school. As part of the Alannah and Madeline Foundation, a national charity that protects children from violence we are an accredited eSmart school. It is designed to help manage cybersafety and deal with cyberbullying issues.
Cybersafety is taught from Foundation to Year 6 as part of our Digital Technologies program.
​School Psychologist/Counsellor
The school uses the services of an accredited Psychologist. The psychologist comes to see referred students regularly during school time. This service is free and confidential but must be accessed through a referral from the child’s GP and a Medicare Mental Health plan.
The school uses the expertise of Monash University Students who are completing their Masters in Counselling and require placement. Counselling can also be arranged using this service.